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The Happy Squirrel Collective

An ADHD-Friendly community for business owners who want to get shit done their own way

Running a business from home (while doing the laundry, feeding the animals, picking up kids from school, grocery shopping, adulting in all the ways…) is friggin’ hard. Even harder when there are a million and one things pulling at your attention ALL. THE. TIME. You have stacks of to-do lists and reminders littering your desk, sticky notes on your monitor, alarms on your phone, productivity apps in several open tabs — hang on, it’s time to make some tea. Oops, just spilled the tea.

And back to work you go. 

Maybe you’ve joined businessy Facebook groups and programs promising to help you finally get organized and be productive. But I’m willing to bet those groups — while full of excellent advice — weren’t built with you in mind. The advice which seems so clear, so simple, so … neurotypical… doesn’t quite work for you. Which makes entrepreneurship feel even more lonely and isolating, because nobody ‘out there’ really understands the struggle to simply do one thing until it’s done.

Hi, I'm Stephanie Wasylyk...

If you’re like my clients, you’ve already tried a boatload of methods to wrangle your squirrel-brain — from time blocking to bullet journaling, tiny habits to atomic habits, and everything in between.

And you still end up with a jumble of unprioritizable tasks. Everything needs done NOW! (Or yesterday). How can you even choose which email to respond to when twenty are clamoring for your attention?


After working with clients just like you for more than 10 years, I’ve found that a few simple things make all the difference — but what those few simple things are vary from person to person. Because one-size-fits-all doesn’t fit you (that’s a feature, not a bug!). What you need is support to find the way which works *for you*.


So forget those programs with compelling marketing that promise to show you THE WAY — and don’t beat yourself up when that One Way doesn’t work for you. That was never your fault.


Instead, I’d like to invite you to learn from people who actually get what you’re going through. People who are on the same entrepreneurial journey, with similar challenges and ambitions, who’ve figured a few things out. You’ll see how other business owners like you hold themselves accountable, keep it all (mostly) together, and find solutions as unique as they are.

Welcome to the Happy Squirrel Collective

So, before we go any further, I have a confession to make: I don’t have ADHD. Not one bit. My ability to organize and create systems is the superpower I use to help my clients — who almost all have diagnosed or suspected ADHD — get shit done. They resonate with my non-judgemental approach and gentle structures that support them to be fully themselves while reaching their goals.


Think of me as the Solid Oak Tree of the Happy Squirrel community. A safe home and a resource you can rely on. I give the community roots and hold a protective, sacred space. I’m not a guru or expert, and I won’t be doing extensive teaching. This isn’t about me. This is about you — and my goal is to bring together people who can learn from each other, share wisdom, and inspire each other to forge your own paths.


I believe that — with or without ADHD — the key to a successful business is doing things your own way. But having ADHD makes that even more important. It’s our job as business owners to get to know ourselves, so we can advocate for what works for us.

Until now, you’ve been surrounded by neurotypical people doing things the “normal” way. You’ve likely experienced shame and guilt for not being able to do business the way you see “everyone else” doing it. Now it’s time to see the possibilities that are outside of that box, by being in a community of other people doing business their own way.

This is for you if:

  • You’re a business owner who identifies as having ADHD symptoms (diagnosed or undiagnosed).
  • You want to embrace your strengths instead of spending all of your time and energy trying to shore up ‘weaknesses’ (that may not be weaknesses at all, just differences!).
  • You’re searching for an uplifting community with a solutions-focused approach. You’re not one to wallow in complaints without actively looking for answers and taking action.


This may not be for you if:

  • You’re looking for diagnoses/medical information — this is a community where we share business advice, not medical advice.
  • You’re looking for a PROVEN SOLUTION FROM AN EXPERT WHO WILL TELL YOU WHAT TO DO! (good luck with that — you won’t find that here).
  • You want more instruction than community. This is more community than instruction, with an emphasis on the community providing insights, tips and answers based on what has worked for them. 

In a nutshell…

(yes, there will be squirrel puns)

The Happy Squirrel Collective is an ADHD-Friendly, online community for business owners who want to get shit done their own way.

What’s Included:

A 1:1 Welcome Call with Stephanie (25 mins) – In the call we’ll get to know each other, you can share your hopes for your community experience, and I can help you get started on the right foot.

Online Community hosted on Circle – this is where the magic happens! It will be a safe place rich with discussion and resources to draw on from the other members.

Monthly Topic Calls (60-90 mins) –  diving into one specific topic. These calls will include ways to collaborate on solutions for individual members, group discussions (with tight facilitation, don’t worry!), breakout rooms, action step brainstorming, and time to work on them. 

Sample topics – staying on top of your finances, keeping in touch with prospects, doing admin tasks, handling rejection or criticism, and more. Member requests encouraged!

Monthly “FiniShit” Coworking Calls (50 mins) – It’s the last 5% of a project that can be the most challenging. Bring that to the call and we’ll all work on our projects together, then celebrate together.

Quarterly Get to Know Each Other Calls (50 mins) – We’ll welcome new members, have breakout rooms with discussion prompts, and just have a good time learning about each other and from each other.

PLUS: Everything you need to stay engaged and focused – loving reminder emails, calendar invitations, discussion prompts, accountability, and more.

You’ll also be able to book coaching calls with Stephanie as needed (for a reduced fee from her standard coaching rates). These calls are perfect when you need extra support in your business and a space for us to go deeper. We can also dive into more personal topics like self-doubt, or something more practical like time management, or anything in between.

Founding Member Price: $40 USD/month

Okay, I have another confession to make…

This group isn’t about ADHD. Not really. It’s about action. Momentum. Getting the right things done. The things that really matter.

It’s also about connection. Feeling heard and understood. And, most importantly, it’s about learning more about yourself.

Are you in?


Will the calls be recorded? 

My goal is to foster a feeling of safety and closeness, so most of the calls will not be recorded to preserve the comfort of the members on the calls. Also, many of the calls include breakout rooms which can’t be recorded. However, I will summarize the calls and provide outlines/notes so you can still hear the tips and takeaways even if you can’t attend live.

When will the calls be held? 

All calls will be between 10am-3pm ET, Monday-Thursday. They won’t be at the same time every month, but the schedule will be available at least two months in advance so you can plan accordingly.

What makes this collective ADHD-Friendly? 

The main thing is unwavering acceptance for who you are. This is a judgment-free space that embraces our unique skills and believes in success for everyone. Beyond that it will be full of prompts, reminders, structure, and expert facilitation to keep the members focused and on track.

What if I want to leave? 

You’re billed monthly, so you’re welcome to leave at any time and cancel your membership. I promise we can still stay in touch and there will be no hard feelings. 

What if I can’t attend the calls? 

The intention is that you will get your money’s worth in excellent support and structure, even if all you do is participate in group discussions. The group calls are bonus time to get to know each other and to work on projects together.